About DTVP
Deutsches Vergabeprotal DTVP
The DTVP is a service provided by DTVP Deutsches Vergabeportal GmbH. The company is a joint venture of Bundesanzeiger Verlag GmbH and cosinex GmbH. The portal offers comprehensive e-tendering for awarding bodies and supports them in the electronic implementation of award procedures. Companies are offered functions to participate fully electronically in the award procedures handled via the portal.
In addition to a wide range of functions and open interfaces, the special features of the portal are, on the one hand, the intuitive user guidance, which allows contracting authorities, in particular, to quickly get started with e-procurement without implementation projects or training. On the other hand – in the model for user fees that is transparent for contracting authorities and companies and complies with public procurement law: low monthly flat-rate user fee for contracting authorities, possibility of free participation in e-procurement procedures for companies and optional value-added services.

DTVP team

Lucas Spänhoff
Leitung Produktberatung Öffentliche Auftraggeber
+49 (0)30 / 37 43 43 – 815 lucas.spaenhoff@dtvp.de

Marius Wolf
Gebietsverantwortlicher Produktberater – Region West
+49 (0)30 / 37 43 43 – 816 marius.wolf@dtvp.de
Our Partners
For the realisation and further expansion of DTVP, two strong partners, the Bundesanzeiger Verlag and cosinex, have joined forces and bundled their expertise: one of the leading specialist publishers in the field of public procurement law and official publications as well as one of the leading e-procurement providers in Germany.

Bundesanzeiger Verlag
As a specialist publisher in the field of law, economics and taxation, Bundesanzeiger Verlag has an outstanding position in the field of official publications due to its more than 65 years of publishing activity. In the area of public procurement law, it offers its customers a broad and cross-media spectrum and thus covers all information needs from “Basic Knowledge of Public Procurement Law” to current information services and the professional decision database “Veris”.

Cosinex is a technology partner for the public sector and one of the pioneers in the field of e-procurement. For almost 20 years, cosinex has been developing solutions for its customers in the area of digitalisation and optimisation of administrative processes as well as the realisation of sophisticated e-government projects. The service portfolio includes, in particular, innovative e-procurement solutions.