Activation requests

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In the “Clearance requests” module, users see an overview of all clearance requests that the company has submitted. For the projects displayed in this overview, an unlock request for access to the project space was submitted during (or during) the announcement search (but has not yet been confirmed, has already been rejected, or will no longer be unlocked because the project deadline has expired).

Note: Projects that have already been unlocked are moved to the “Unlocked” module – they are therefore no longer displayed in the “Unlocking requests” module.

Screenshot: Uebersicht der Freischaltungen


Open announcements

Info: Announcement information is displayed in a separately opened window (second window opens). If not, the pop-up blocker in the internet browser must be deactivated.

Open announcementsFind the announcement to be opened in the overview. In the corresponding table row, click the action element “Information about this project” (see marker 1 in screenshot “Overview module release requests”).
This opens a separate window in which the announcement is opened and displayed. If the announcement is interesting, an “unlocking” of the project space can be requested from the awarding authority.

Not all announcements found can be activated, because not all announcements were created with the system Vergabemarktplatz. Some of the announcements originate from other publication media. In this case the system shows the corresponding contact persons as well as sources.


Archive projects

Info: After a project is archived, it can be found accordingly in the “Archive” module.

In the overview, find the announcement that is to be archived. Click on the action element “Archive project” in the corresponding table row (see marker 2 in screenshot “Overview module activation requests”).

This moves the project to the archive. Archiving does not cancel participation; for ongoing projects, it can be undone at any time via the “Archive” module. If the project is already finished, however, it can no longer be moved back from the archive to another project list.

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